Find answers to commonly asked questions about Perk Buddy and our loyalty program solutions.


  • Which ecommerce platform(s) are compatible with Perk Buddy?

    Perk Buddy rewards program is available on Shopify platform only at this time.

  • What is the duration of the subscription plan?

    Subscription plans start from as low as 1 month for $10

  • Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

    Subscriptions may be cancelled at any time. (Some charges may apply)

  • Do you have a Free plan?

    Yes, Perk Buddy free plan is available with limited app features.

Getting Started

  • Is it mandatory to load the wallet?

    Yes, when Perk Buddy members place an order, the points they earn come out of the merchant’s wallet. Wallet balance must be maintained in order to provide reward points to shoppers.

  • How many points should be loaded to the wallet?

    Wallet balance maintenance is at the merchant's sole discretion. We recommend maintaining a wallet balance based on expected sales. Merchant is responsible for monitoring and maintaining their balance to avoid any disruptions in program features.

  • How to load Wallet?

    Merchants can load their reward points wallet from within the plugin by purchasing new points through the Shopify platform.

  • What happens if my wallet is empty?

    Perk Buddy widget will automatically be disabled and members will be unable to collect points. Perk Buddy will notify the merchant when their balance falls below our threshold.

  • What is the value of each point in USD?

    One hundred points equals USD $1


  • How do Cross Store Rewards work?

    Perk Buddy members collect and redeem points at all participating stores. Points redeemed by members are added to the merchant's wallet balance. Points collected by members come out of the merchant’s wallet balance.

Points Redemption

  • How do Perk Buddy members redeem points?

    Members can redeem points at all participating stores using the Perk Buddy plugin rewards widget.

  • How many Coupons can a customer use at a time?

    Only 1 redeem coupon may be used at a time.

  • Can a customer cancel a coupon?

    Redeem coupons may be cancelled. When a Perk Buddy member cancels a redeem coupon, points balances for member and merchant are adjusted accordingly.


  • Can I add custom styling?

    Perk Buddy widget may be customized to the merchant’s preferred colours. *This feature is not available in the free plan.


  • Can a merchant deactivate its Perk Buddy account?

    Merchants can deactivate the rewards program at any time and close their account from within the Perk Buddy plugin on Shopify Apps. Perk Buddy widget and all its features will be instantly disabled.

  • What happens to my wallet balance?

    Once the merchant deactivates their account, Perk Buddy will review the deactivation request and reimburse the merchant up to 50% of the merchant’s wallet balance. Merchant will be notified via email once the request is approved and ready for reimbursement.


  • How can I reach support?

    Our dedicated customer service team is always ready to help. Get in touch

  • Can I get help with setting up the plugin on my Shopify store?

    Click here for step-by-step instructions for setting up your Perk Buddy account.