Perk Buddy

Privacy Policy

Welcome to

At Perk Buddy, we want you to know how we collect, use, share and protect information about you. This notice specifically covers how we collect, use, share, and protect information about you in connection with services offered to partners. We may change or add to this privacy policy, so we encourage you to review it periodically.

Perk Buddy requires your company information for various purposes related to establishing, managing, terminating, or otherwise administering the Perk Buddy loyalty program. These purposes include processing your application, facilitating points purchase, enabling the points system, sending program updates and communications via email, enhancing the design of our web pages, products, and services, engaging in general correspondence, and fulfilling legal obligations. Perk Buddy will handle your information in compliance with applicable laws. Please note that your information may be disclosed to third parties, including service providers who assist with the Perk Buddy loyalty program. By providing your information, you acknowledge and consent to its collection, use, sharing, disclosure, and retention for the stated purposes. Should you have any privacy questions or concerns, please reach out to

What information is collected?

We collect information you provide directly to Perk Buddy, including:

We may automatically collect information to facilitate your use of the Perk Buddy loyalty program, including:

Other Sources of Information

We may also automatically collect information about your use of the Perk Buddy website including:

We may also collect other information about your online store, company, products and services, order information, and/or customer information as necessary for effective provision of loyalty program features.

How is this information used?

Ways we use the information we collect include:

How is this information shared?

Service Providers

We may share the information we collect with companies that provide support services to us (such as, customer relationship management providers, email providers, and analytic providers) or that help us market our products and services. These companies may need information about you in order to perform their functions.

Sharing Aggregate Information with Third Parties

We may share aggregate information (information that does not directly identify an individual) with third parties for lawful purposes. We may disclose your information to our affiliates and other third parties (organizations with whom we offer programs, products, or services) for the purposes outlined in this policy and in compliance with relevant laws. It's important to note that we do not engage in the sale of your personal information to any organization or individual.

Legal Requirements

We may disclose information we collect when we believe disclosure is appropriate to comply with the law; to enforce or apply applicable terms and conditions and other agreements; to facilitate the financing, securitization, insuring, sale, assignment, bankruptcy, or disposal of all or part of our business or assets; or to protect the rights, property or safety of our company, our guests or others.

How do we keep your personal information secure?

At Perk Buddy, ensuring the protection of your privacy and personal information is our top priority. We have implemented comprehensive privacy measures to uphold our commitment to safeguarding your private information consistently. These measures are designed to treat your personal information securely, mitigating the risks of unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal, or any similar threats. Without limiting the terms of our Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy, you understand that we do not guarantee that your use of the Site and/or information provided by you will be private or secure, and we are not responsible or liable to you for any lack of privacy or security you may experience.

Opting out of Perk Buddy loyalty program:

If at any point, you no longer desire to be a part of the Perk Buddy community, you can opt out of our program without any repercussions. It's important to be aware that opting out may result in the nullification of any outstanding Perk Buddy points, potentially leading to a loss of associated program benefits. Furthermore, if you decide to re-join Perk Buddy at a later time, any previously deleted points cannot be reinstated.

Usage of the site

You are prohibited from using this site to post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic or profane material or any material that could constitute or encourage unlawful conduct. Perk Buddy may from time to time monitor or review material transmitted or posted using this site and reserves the right to delete any material the company deems inappropriate. Perk Buddy is under no obligation to do so and assumes no responsibility or liability arising from any material transmitted or posted using this site.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or feedback about this Privacy Policy or our services, please get in touch with us at